

  1. a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way [syn: lampoon, spoof, sendup, mockery, takeoff, burlesque, travesty, charade, pasquinade]
  2. humorous or satirical mimicry [syn: mockery, takeoff]


  1. make a spoof of; make fun of [syn: spoof]
  2. make a parody of; "The students spoofed the teachers" [syn: spoof, burlesque]


I want to thank the participants of Broken Memories for the incredible amounts of amusement they have provided me over the past several weeks.  The mere thought that my parody piece, The Full Monty Baldur's Gate Style, could be construed as a story which is of a "depraved nature", which "whor[es] out favorite characters in nauseating porn", or is "a wild circus of perversions" (quotes are drawn directly from the Broken Memories website) is utterly ridiculous.

Simply put, The Full Monty Baldur's Gate Style is a parody which is, no doubt, about an adult situation but the actual story (should you bother to actually read it) is rather mild.  For goodness sakes, the most adult phrase in the entire piece is "nether region".  Gosh -- let's pull out the tar and feathers for that outrageous depravity.


If any of the participants at Broken Memories would care to explain exactly how my parody piece meets their guidelines for depravity and perversion, feel free to contact me at .  Until then, I'll just consider you guys as people who just don't get parody.