Disney Channel Magazine
January 1984
All images are thumbnailed. Click on picture to view the
page 6:
Adventures from the Australian Frontier
Five Mile Creek
(Louise Caire Clark, Rod Mullinar, Liz Burch,
Michael Caton, Priscilla Weems, Martin Lewis, Gus Mercurio, with Jay Kerr as
Con Madigan)
Three Americans and three Australians gather at Five
Mile Creek, a stagecoach stop on the road to the Australian gold fields in
the 1860s. Their continuing adventures form this dramatic series
exclusively on The Disney Channel.

Con Madigan hands the reins to partner Jack Taylor
Episode 5 ("The Scrub Bulls," premiering January 4) finds partners Jack
Taylor (Rod Mullinar) and Con Madigan (Jay Kerr) expanding their coach
service. A land dispute pits Taylor against a local squatter named
Barny Drummand (Tony Barry).
Maggie Scott (Louise Caire Clark), who helps run The Haven at Five Mile
Creek, befriends Barny's wife Florence (Susan Leith), and they try to make
peace between the men. The two Drummond children meet Maggie's
10-year-old daughter Hannah (Priscilla Weems) and Sam Sawyer (Martin Lewis),
a homeless boy living at the waystation. With no other school, Maggie
turns teacher and Five Mile Creek gets a classroom.
In "Mothers and Fathers" (beginning January 18), Maggie sees a Wanted
poster for her missing husband Adam. Hannah, heartbroken to learn her
father is an outlaw, runs away. Sam and a friendly aborigine, familiar
with the bush, follow her trail as night falls . . .
When Maggie faces the possibility that she'll never find her husband and
begin their life together in Australia, her friend Kate Wallace (Liz Burch)
assures her that "I can't imagine Five Mile Creek without you." But a
surprise awaits them in next month's episode, "Gold Fever."

Hannah Scott runs away in distress after learning that her father is a
wanted man.
Episode #5 January 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16
Episode #6 January 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30

Off Camera
After each episode, candid interviews with the stars take viewers behind
the camera for an inside look at the production of "Five Mile Creek."
This month Australian actress Susan Leith, who plays Florence Drummond in
Episode 5, and Michael Caton (Paddy Malone) describe their experiences.
page 31:
Table Talk
TV Situation: Even though Maggie does not believe that her
husband is an outlaw, she hides the poster with his picture on it from
Hannah. She doesn't want Hannah to worry, but do you think she acts
correctly? What would you do?
Real-Life Situation: You see your big sister with someone
who has a reputation for irresponsible behavior. You don't want to
worry your parents or be a tattletale, but you're concerned about her
well-being. What should you do?