Disney Channel Magazine
January 1985
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page 13:
Season Premiere
Five Mile Creek
Louise Caire Clark, Rod Mullinar, Liz Burch,
Michael Caton, Peter Carroll, Martin Lewis, Gus Mercurio, with Jay Kerr as
Con Madigan

Con and Sam are aware of danger on their way to a new home
Our Australian epic opens its third season with the original Five Mile
Creek settlers on their way to a new homestead.
"Traveler's Tales," beginning January 2, follows the Five Milers'
dangerous trek across a thousand miles of Australian bush. Rocky
terrain, racing rivers, torrential thunderstorms and waterless plains
obstruct the pioneers.
Stranded after an accident to their coach, Maggie (Louise Caire Clark),
Kate (Liz Burch) and Charles Withers (Peter Carroll) must fight off an enemy
known only by his black eyepatch -- and his rifle.
January 2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28
Recommended by the National Education Association

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