Disney Channel Magazine
March 1984
All images are thumbnailed. Click on picture to view the
page 4:
Channel Stars Find Gold At Rainbow's End
was like winning the lottery," says Louise Caire Clark of her casting as
Maggie Scott in The Disney Channel's dramatic series, "Five Mile Creek."
"In my wildest imagination I couldn't dream up a better package:
the people I'm working with, doing a series, going to Australia, Maggie's
character, Disney."
After a stint in New York theater; Louise quit acting eight years ago and
returned to her native Los Angeles. She married Peter Greis, an
assistant director, and had two sons -- Matthew, 7, and Michael, 3.
When she resumed her career last year, Louise "won the lottery" with her
role in "Five Mile Creek."
"There's no star system in Australia. Everyone in the crew is a
'mate'," she says with a hint of an Aussie accent. "There's no trailer
to hid in, no stand-ins. It's exhausting and less private, but I think
it contributes to the warm family feeling on the show."
What about working with her co-star, Australian actress Liz Burch, who
plays Kate Wallace?
"It's funny because she's five two and I'm five ten. They usually
put her closer to the camera, though I'm sure she'd rather have them dig a
hole for me," says Louise with a laugh.
"Lizzie's feisty, always got the dukes up. We compliment each other
personally like Maggie and Kate on the show."
After spending Christmas at home in Woodland Hills (Calif.), Louise is
back Down Under shooting the next 13 episodes in The Disney Channel
exclusive hit series.
page 17:

Adventurers bound for the Australian gold fields disembark from New
More and more viewers are welcoming the characters in this continuing
dramatic series on The Disney Channel into their homes.
The men and women gathered at an isolated waystation on the Australian
Express stage line begin to sink permanent roots there. In Episode 9
("Home and Away," premiering March 7), old Harry Stokes (Ray Barrett) seeks
refuge at Five Mile Creek and Kate Wallace's (Liz Burch) kindness helps him
prepare for an uncertain future.
Kate brings medical care to a family of sick aborigines and lectures Con
Madigan (Jay Kerr) on helping orphaned Sam Sawyer (Martin Lewis) feel at
home in Episode 10 ("The Awakening," beginning March 21). Her
willingness to stand up for underdogs and see the good in others holds Five
Mile Creek together.
Maggie Scott (Louise Caire Clark) has to decide whether to return to
America, or remain in Australia to help Kate run The Haven.
Jack Taylor's (Rod Mullinar) first gold shipment is stolen by
bushrangers. With the future of the Australian Express on the line,
the men of the Five Mile band together to raid the outlaws' hideout.
Episode #9 March 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 19
Episode #10 March 21, 24, 27, 29, 30
Off Camera

Rod Mullinar as Taylor
This month Australian actors Rod Mullinar (Jack Taylor) and Martin Lewis
(Sam Sawyer) appears in brief, behind-the-scenes interviews following the
two new episodes of "Five Mile Creek."